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You are viewing Cheat Codes for WWE SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth System : Playstation 2 Date Added : 2002-11-30 00:24:30 Views : 102610 Divas FMV sequence Get 100 Knockouts in the Slobber Knocker match in exhibition mode to unlock the Divas FMV sequence. Armageddon PPV rewards Win a match at the Armageddon PPV to get the choice to unlock: Ric Flair's attire Chuck's attire Billy's attire Armageddon arena Winter Plaza area Winter Times Square area Backlash PPV rewards Win a match at the Backlash PPV to get the choice to unlock: The Rock's attire Christian's attire Create Parts 1 Backlash arena Foam Hands A Insurrextion PPV rewards Win a match at the Insurrextion PPV to get the choice to unlock: Jeff Hardy's attire William Regal's attire Moves 9 Create Parts 4 Insurrextion arena Judgment Day PPV rewards Win a match at the Judgment Day PPV to get the choice to unlock: RVD's attire Vince McMahon's attire Eddie Guerrero's attire Undertaker's attire Create Parts 2 Judgment Day arena King Of The Ring PPV rewards Win a match at the King Of The Ring PPV to get the choice to unlock: Kurt Angle's attire Edge's attire Moves 2 Create Parts 8 King of the Ring arena Plaza B backstage area No Mercy PPV rewards Win a match at the No Mercy PPV to get the choice to unlock: Shawn Michaels' attire Stephanie McMahon's attire Rikishi's attire D-Von's attire Molly Holly's attire No Mercy arena No Way Out PPV rewards Win a match at the No Way Out PPV to get the choice to unlock: Kevin Nash (for Season Mode) X-Pac (for Season Mode) Big Show's attire The Big Valbowski's attire Moves 5 No Way Out arena Rebellion PPV rewards Win a match at the Rebellion PPV to get the choice to unlock: Chris Jericho's attire Stacy Keibler's attire Brock Lesnar's attire Moves 10 Rebellion arena Royal Rumble PPV rewards Win a match at the Royal Rumble PPV to get the choice to unlock: Triple H's attire Steve Austin's attire Bubba Ray's attire Create Parts 6 Royal Rumble arena WWE Superstar Special Movie SummerSlam PPV rewards Win a match at the SummerSlam PPV to get the choice to unlock: Booker T's attire Torrie Wilson's attire Moves 4 Moves 6 Create Parts 9 SummerSlam arena Survivor Series PPV rewards Win a match at the Survivor Series PPV to get the choice to unlock: Matt Hardy's attire Hardcore Holly's attire Moves 7 Moves 8 30 Ability Points Survivor Series arena Undisputed Championship rewards Win the Undisputed Championship to get the choice to unlock: Special RVD FMV sequence SmackDown SYM Special FMV sequence Unforgiven PPV rewards Win a match at the Unforgiven PPV to get the choice to unlock: Chris Benoit's attire Trish Stratus's attire Moves 3 Create Parts 5 Unforgiven arena Foam Hands B Vengeance PPV rewards Win a match at the Vengeance PPV to get the choice to unlock: Lance Storm's attire Raven's attire Billy Kidman's attire Create Parts 3 Vengeance arena A Vengeance arena B WrestleMania PPV rewards Win a match at the WrestleMania PPV to get the choice to unlock: Hulk Hogan (for Season Mode) Faarooq's attire Bradshaw's attire Moves 1 Create Parts 7 WrestleMania X8 arena. Move sets Move set 1: Genichiro Tenryu Move set 2: Kendo Ka-Shin Move set 3: Keiji Mutoh Move set 4: Toshiaki Kawada Move set 5: Bill Goldberg Move set 6: Misc. Kung Fu Move set 7: Jeff Jarrett Move set 8: David Flair Move set 9: Scott Hall Move set 10: Scott Steiner Move set 11: Sting Move set 12: Terry Funk Move set 13: Atsushi Onita Move set 14: Misc. Puroresu set A Move set 15: Misc. Puroresu set B Move set 16: Taka Michinoku Move set 17: Ken Shamrock Move set 18: Rey Mysterio Jr. Move set 19: Great Sasuke Move set 20: Fred Durst Move set 21: Hiroyoshi Tenzan Move set 22: Jushin Lyger Move set 23: Kensuke Sasaki Move set 24: Masahiro Chono Move set 25: Manabu Nakanishi Move set 26: Yuji Nagata Move set 27: Jun Akyama Move set 28: Kenta Kobashi Move set 29: Mitshuru Misawa Move set 30: Vader Move set 31: Essa Rios Move set 32: Gangrel Move set 33: Brian Christopher Move set 34: Jerry Lynn Move set 35: Ron The Truth Killings Move set 36: Road Dogg Move set 37: Antonio Inoki Move set 38: Akira Taue Move set 39: Giant Baba Move set 40: Big Boss Man Move set 41: Crash Holly Move set 42: D'lo Brown Move set 43: Sho Funaki Move set 44: Godfather Move set 45: Justin Credible Move set 46: Mike Awesome Move set 47: Perry Saturn Move set 48: Steve Blackman Move set 49: Shane Mcmahon Move set 50: Sean O' Haire Move set 51: Steven Richards Move set 52: Andre the Giant Move set 53: Bob Backlund Move set 54: Dean Malenko Move set 55: Mick Foley Move set 56: Naoya Ogawa Move set 57: Shin'ya Hashimoto Move set 58: Sergeant Slaughter Hidden Superstar faces Enter the head/face section in the Create A Wrestler menu and choose Hair 7, Face 7, Face Shape 7, and Beard 7 to get a perfect Scott Hall. Try the same thing with the different faces to get the following: 2: D-Lo Brown 3: Bull Buchanon 4: Big Boss Man 5: Chavo Guerrero 6: Sho Funaki 7: Scott Hall (locked) 8: Justin Credible 9: David Beckham (UK Footballer) 10: Earl Hebner 11: Mick Foley (locked) 12: Taka Michenoku 13: Dean Malenko 14: Road Dogg 15: Ken Shamrock 16: Tommy Dreamer 17: Essa Rios 18: Perry Saturn 19: Ron Killings (K-Kwik) 20: Steve Richards 21: Mr Perfect Curt Hennig 22: Brian Christopher 23: Rey Mysterio without his mask (?), Crash Holly (?) 24: Harry Potter 25: Goldberg 26: Bret Hitman Hart (locked) 27: Andre 28: Steve Blackman Note: This also works for women wrestlers: 2: Chyna Doing your opponent's move You can do your opponent's moves against them. Fill up 2 Smackdowns and press L1 + L2 in the correct position. Note: This does not work in survival mode. You can also steal the ref's finishing move by stunning him during game play and pressing L1 + L2. His finishing move is a Standing Crossface. Alternate Matrix effect In any match that allows you to do you SmackDown! Matrix effect (press L1 while doing your SmackDown! Move), press L2 instead. It will do another Matrix effect. Instead of circling the wrestlers, it will show the move multiple times all in Matrix effect. Post-match beatdown After the final bell rings, press X to do a beatdown after the match. Inflict more pain When pinning an opponent, you can break up the count to inflict more pain by pressing R1 during your pin. Remove turnbuckle pads Walk into a turnbuckle and press R1. Walk over to any turnbuckle and press R1 + Toward the turnbuckle. Get to areas faster While in the lobby area of any arena, press Triangle to run to get to places such as the locker room, VIP room, etc. faster. Press Triangle again to stop running. Easy win This can be done in any match other then a 1 on 1. Do your SmackDown move, then put your opponent in a submission move (if it is also not your SmackDown move). Keep doing the move until your opponent gives up. This allows you to win without the other opponents breaking up your pin. Also, in any type of match, do as many moves as you can to your opponent until when they are lying on the ground with their hands and legs stretched out. Then, pin them. If you are not interrupted, you should be able to pin them up to three counts. Easy win in Tag Match Enter a Tag Match in season or any other mode. Make sure your character has a non-pinning finisher and the West Coast Pop (corner grapple) as a regular move. Beat your opponent down as usual, then use your finisher. Pick your opponent up then send him or her to the top right corner of the ring. Use the West Coast Pop. The opponent's partner should walk up to the corner you were in as if you were still there, instead of breaking up the count. Dragon Ball Z style hair To make your created wrestler a Super Sayajin, use hair option 96. Foam Hands Upon finishing certain pay-per-views you have the choice to pick "Foam Hands". The purpose of these is that when you pick them up, your wrestler will do the signature taunts of the wrestler whose Foam Hands you have. For example, if you picked up the Rock's Foam Hand you would do the People's Eyebrow and the rest of his taunts. It is rather hilarious to see someone's imitation, such as Undertaker or Big Show. In the lobby, if you pick up a Foam Hand with R1 and remain idle for about two seconds. Your wrestler will do a taunt of whichever wrestler's Foam Hand you are holding. WWE Undisputed Championship in story mode When you start story mode, the draft will being and you can pick your show. If you choose SmackDown, Vince McMahon will approach you and say that he can make you the next Undisputed Champ as long as you win your first match for him. Answer "That sounds pretty good" then win all your matches in April. You will take on the current champ the Undertaker at Backlash. Exploding cars in Parking Lot In the Parking Lot area of the RAW Arena, whip your opponent into the cars four or five times. The car will explode, hurting your opponent. Easy damage in King Of The Ring arena At the King Of The Ring in season mode or while playing against a friend, choose the King Of The Ring arena (resembles like a big concrete chair over the ramp). Put your opponent on the table near the King Of The Ring chair, move in the leg and run towards it. You can climb it and do damage. Climb on stage in King Of The Ring arena Choose any type of match and select no count out in the rules. Select the King Of The Ring set. Go to one of the two poles with a ribbon-like object on it. You will climb the stage and be able to fight on top of it or jump off. Snowball weapons in Winter Times Square arena Go to a snow pile and press R1. Your wrestler will make a snow ball which can be used as a weapon and thrown at your opponent. Climb the SmackDown! fist in SmackDown! arena Walk over to the left side of the ramp and go very close to the edge where you see cracks in the SmackDown! set. Press Triangle while near it and you should climb up and be able to jump off using the normal "Turnbuckle Flying Moves". Rey Mysterio moves To get moves for Rey Mysterio, unlock Moves 10 from the Rebellion PPV. This will unlock Rey Mysterio's moveset (which is Moveset 18). CAW parts for Rey Mysterio Win a match at the Insurrextion Pay-Per-View and chose to unlock "Create Parts 4". This will unlock Rey's Mask and other CAW items. Ladder in any match with Rob Van Dam Choose Rob Van Dam and go to the middle of the right side of the ring. Press R1 and a ladder will appear. Frog Splash standing on the ground with Rob Van Dam Choose Rob Van Dam and have a special. Use your Down + L2 taunt, which should be him jumping up. Notice that your special sign flashes up at the top. When you are in mid-air on the taunt, press L1 and he will do a Frog Splash while standing on the ground outside the ring. Note: This requires precise timing. You cannot do this while in the ring. You can also do a Split Legged Moonsault (press Down + X) the same way, with the correct timing. Mini-stunners with Stone Cold Steve Austin While your opponent is groggy, press L1 + Circle + Down. Note: This requires correct timing. Original entrances for stables Tag Originals 1. The wrestlers dance like ballerinas. 2. Matrix style where each wrestler go to kick each other, but both miss. 3. Partners appear in a shopping cart, roll down the runway, and hit the ring. 4. Partners appear in car. 5. Partners do strange poses one behind each other's back. 6. HHH and HBK Dx pose. Trio Originals 1. The wrestlers appear in a shopping cart. 2. The wrestlers do Michael Jackson-style moves. 3. The wrestlers do model poses. 4. The wrestlers appear in a car. Replacement moves The West Coast Pop can be used as Rey Mysterios 619/Hurricarana. The Emerald Fusion 3 can be used as Novas Kryptonite Crunch. The Facebuster 3 can be used as Novas Deep Impact. The Testdrive can be used as Novas Spin Doctor. The Testdrive can be used as Renos Roll of the Dice. The Testdrive can be used as Christopher Daniels Last Rites. The Magnum Driver can be used as Magnum Tokyos Viagra Driver. The Ninja can be used as Spankys Sliced Bread #2. The Overdrive can be used as Elix Skippers Play of the Week. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more WWE SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth cheat codes.
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